Over the years, New ERA has held staff retreats to assess its contributions to the attainment of the organization’s goals. This is accomplished by an annual review of organizational activities in accordance with its rules, regulations, visions, and missions. Staff members benefit from the retreat through the identification of practices which is thereby fostered to promote organizational effectiveness, teamwork, and execution of quality service. Additionally, it offers an opening to coordinate staff activities and enhance thinking in order to meet the established annual goals.
The 2023 staff retreat program provided an opportunity for New ERA to rebuild and reinspire the team. It was not only essential that we evaluate and determine how to establish a more robust and resilient organization, but it was also significant to foster an atmosphere of solidarity and elevate morale. The retreat took place on March 10 – 11, 2023.
Our retiring staff- Yogendra Prasai , Jagat Basnet , Niranjan Dhungel , Rajendra Kumar Shrestha, Bhoj Kumar Shrestha, Kishor Shrestha, Kaji Babu Khadka and Raj Gopal Baidya. We would like to congratulate all for a successful career and thank you for your dedication to the organization. You all have been great co-workers and touched each of our lives in a very positive and meaningful way. You all will be greatly missed!
Happy retirement and wish you all the best!
The 27th Annual General Meeting of New ERA was held on January 07, 2023 at Hattiban Resort, Pharping. The 27th AGM was chaired by Dr. Bal Gopal Baidya- Chairman, New ERA Board
New ERA members with staff
The 26th Annual General Meeting of New ERA was held on January 02, 2020 at Durbar Resort, Bhaktapur. The 26th AGM was chaired by Dr. Bal Gopal Baidya, the Chairman of New ERA’s Board of Directors. On the behalf of the Board of Directors, Dr. Baidya presented the chairman’s report for the fiscal year 2077/78. The AGM approved the Auditor’s report, Balance Sheet, and the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2078/79.
Orientation Program for a Phone Survey
Some glimpses of trainings being conducted across several venues/halls with health and safety protocols in place.
New ERA celebrated its 50th Foundation Day on the 5th of August, 2021 at its premise in Kalopul, Kathmandu. The event was an intimate gathering of only its core staff due to the on-going pandemic. New ERA’s Chairperson, Dr. Bal Gopal Baidya was present at the event to hand out gold medals and letter of appreciation to staff who had completed long-term service to the organization.
At the event Mr. Yogendra Prasai, Mr. Sanu Raja Shakya, Mr. Ramesh Dangi, Mr. Maheshwor Thapa and Mr. Babu Raja Maharjan were felicitated with gold medals and a letter of appreciation.