ICF Mobile Financial Services Market Research

, /USA (2012)

Rural people and people from remote areas have much less access to banking. This study was to identify the challenges and opportunities in enabling and managing agents of mobile banking services, price sensitivities and recommendations on the types business that may be best suited to being branchless banking agents. The study will be assist financial institutions in Nepal to align their strategy for the development of mobile financial services in Nepal.

The Market Research on Advertisement Sectors in Nepal

This study was to assess the position of advertising business; position of Radio Nepal among the total advertising market; tendency and intention of advertising of major companies and market needs for programs of Radio Nepal. The survey has covered present and potential clients of Radio Nepal including government and non-government institutions, private companies, and advertisement agencies based in the Kathmandu valley.


Outcome Evaluation of Marketing of Mandarin Orange in Nepal: Analysis of Price Behaviors and Contractual Arrangement

This study evaluates the marketing of Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata) in Nepal. This outcome evaluation is carried out based on the information collected through the outcome evaluation forms, literature review and field observations. The study is focused around the achievement and effectiveness of the project outcome in terms of quality, quantity and timely delivery to the targeted beneficiaries.

The Consumer Study for the Milk and Milk Products Market in the Major Towns of Nepal

The main objective of this study was to find out status of market for milk and milk products in the major towns of Nepal. The study has obtained profiles of retail and institutional consumers of dairy products in relation to consumption levels and pattern. The study also assesses the consumer’s perception and attitudes, consumption behavior, consumption level and trends in milk and milk products market.