Learning from its decades years of experience, and most recently, its experience of managing the New ERA Harka Gurung Fellowship involving young research fellows, and the struggle its mentors have been facing for getting their fellows to produce quality thesis papers, New ERA has also realized a need for providing youths opportunities to experience a more grounded, hands-on training for producing quality research.

In the context of increasing unemployment among the youths, their rising insecurity, for example growing resentment for limited job prospects accompanied by a situation of not getting jobs without experience and the sheer constraints to their getting opportunities to gain experience for future employment. An increasing trend of overseas migration is already well documented with thousands of unskilled youths leaving the country for better prospects overseas, and the relatively more skilled ones not far behind. New ERA is keen to also explore possibilities of contributing to reversing the national brain drain, in whatever little way it can, and as a socially responsible entity, explore the potential role it can play in building capacity and enabling opportunities for a wider and more diverse section of the youths by providing research-based learning for the next generation of researchers.

New ERA has initiated a more institutionalized process of identifying a larger pool of potentials of future employees via innovative processes that both meets New ERA’s vision & values and meets the current need of the labor market.  This has prompted a discussion around developing a viable internship policy that could be build-up or segue into a more purposeful human resource and capacity building policy for the future.

With this overall dual purpose of building human resource capacity and skills among the youths along with creating a channel for identifying future potential researchers, an internship policy is developed, spelling out possible procedures that would support its implementation. Through the internship policy New ERA “aims to create an enabling environment to initiate a regular practice of providing an enriched experience to aspiring young researchers to participate in varied facets of research, data analysis and report writing”.

Interested candidates can send their CV and an application letter to   info@newera.com.np; only eligible applicants will be contacted.